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Clovis Orthodontics

Clovis Orthodontics

Clovis Orthodontics

If your desire is to straighten crooked teeth or a misaligned jaw, then you've come to the right place. We do orthodontic work to make your teeth straight and gums healthier. With changes in technology, there are different options available. Make an appointment to find out which method would work best for you!

Changes in Clovis Orthodontic Technology

Braces are not the shiny mouthful of metal of years past. Many more options are now available. Teeth used to be fully banded. But today, brackets are bonded directly to each tooth's surface. With some people it's possible to place them behind the teeth, making them less noticeable.


Braces may be the solution to your crooked teeth or misaligned jaw. They work by applying pressure to the teeth and jaws in order to move them into a desired position. Braces are not what they used to be. Today they can be made with materials such as:

  • Stainless steel
  • Ceramic
  • Plastic


Clear, invisible "trays" are also now available. These can straighten teeth without using traditional braces and wires.

Invisible trays may be an option for people who require simple orthodontic work. This method uses custom-made, clear, removable trays that put pressure on the teeth, moving them gradually into their correct position. This treatment is not right for people requiring more extensive orthodontic work.

Looking for a Clovis Dentist?

Call Us! (559) 299-2168 or fill out an appointment request form.