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Fresno Sleep Dentist

Fresno Sleep Dentist

IF YOU’RE WONDERING how to connect with a Fresno Sleep Dentist, then we’re glad you found us. We’re trained in treating and managing both your snoring and sleep apnea.

The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) defines dental sleep medicine and identifies its benefits. It’s “an area of dental practice that focuses on the use of oral appliance therapy to treat sleep-disordered breathing, including snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).”

Dentists and sleep doctors work in synergy to identify treatments for patients. Whether CPAP, appliance therapy or other treatments are necessary.

Improve Your Health and Quality of Life

Common knowledge is: the quality of your sleep dramatically impacts your health and well-being. Snoring and OSA disrupt sleep. Plus they increase your risk of severe health issues.

Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Snoring is a common warning sign you may have sleep apnea. Although, you should receive a formal diagnosis by a board-certified sleep medicine physician. If you have snoring without sleep apnea, then your doctor may prescribe an oral sleep appliance.

Most people are aware of CPAP therapy. A CPAP machine keeps your airway open. But not everyone prefers to use one. If not, then your doctor can sometimes prescribe an oral appliance.

Oral Appliance Therapy

According to the AADSM, dentists pioneered the use of oral appliance therapy for the treatment of OSA. Oral appliances are worn during sleep. Custom-fit, oral sleep appliances prevent the airway from collapsing. Because they support the jaw in a forward position.

For more information, please read the entire article on the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine website.

If you’re interested in getting help for either snoring or sleep apnea, then call Dr. Lovik.

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

Fresno Sleep Doctor, black and white image of woman and man sleeping horribly

About Lovik Mirzaeian

We are a dental practice devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile using conservative, state-of-the-art procedures that will result in beautiful, long lasting smiles!
A standard of excellence in personalized dental care enables us to provide the quality dental services our patients deserve. We provide comprehensive treatment planning and use restorative and cosmetic dentistry to achieve your optimal dental health. Should a dental emergency occur, we make every effort to see and care for you as soon as possible.
As your dental health professionals, we want you to be confident knowing that we are a team of highly trained and skilled clinicians. We pride ourselves on providing the care you need to keep your smile healthy. To give you the best possible service and results, we are committed to continual education and learning. We attend dental lectures, meetings, and dental conventions to stay informed of new techniques, the latest products, and the newest equipment that a modern dental office can utilize to provide state-of-the-art dental care.

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