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Signs You Are Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard

SIGNS YOU ARE BRUSHING YOUR TEETH TOO HARD show up over time. So, it’s not always easy to spot the issue right when it’s happening. However, with the following teeth brushing hacks, you’ll be on your way to better oral health today.

Signs You’re Brushing Too Hard

If you have notching around the area where your tooth meets its root, then it’s likely you’re using a heavy-handed technique when brushing. Notching is usually accompanied by sensitivity.

Certain foods can exacerbate the effects of heavy-handed brushing. Wait at least 30 minutes after eating acidic foods, to ensure you don’t spread the acid all around your mouth.

Tooth Sensitivity

When you brush too hard or too often, the enamel layer of your tooth gets worn. This happens either through abrasion or erosion.

Exposed nerve endings that are close enough to the surface react to either hot or cold foods or drinks. Thus, sensitivity occurs. Use a soft-handed brushing technique and avoid using a hard-bristled brush. Soft brush heads are a must.

Additionally, avoid whitening pastes. They may be either too abrasive or have ingredients that can increase sensitivity.

Proper Brushing Technique

Colgate recommends a 2-minute brushing time and techniques with which we agree.

  • First, choose an extra soft toothbrush.
  • Place the bristles of your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle, on your gumline, slightly under your gums.
  • Then, use both light pressure and short back-and-forth or circular strokes.
  • Move around your mouth in a pattern, brushing the outside, insides and chewing surfaces of all your teeth.
  • Finally, don’t forget to brush your tongue in order to both remove bacteria and maintain fresh breath.

If you’re not sure what else you can do to recognize the signs you are brushing your teeth too hard both treat and prevent tooth sensitivity, then call Dr. Lovik. He and his team delight in sharing knowledge that gets you on your way to better oral health.

A healthy life starts with healthy gums and teeth!

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.


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