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Tips to Stop Clenching or Grinding Your Teeth

Tips to Stop Clenching or Grinding Your Teeth

Teeth clenching or grinding is known as bruxism, and you may not even know you're doing it. The signs of teeth clenching or grinding include:
  • Dull headaches
  • Sore jaw or facial muscles
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Impressions or indentations on your tongue

Bruxism should not be dismissed. Talk to your dentist to see what the causes are and what you can do to stop it. Here are some tips to stop clenching or grinding your teeth.

  1. Cut Back on Caffeine
  2. Drinking caffeine or eating foods that contain caffeine can cause you to tense up and clench and grind your teeth more frequently. Cut back on caffeine, especially before you go to sleep, to help your jaw relax.

  3. Exercise Regularly
  4. Exercising makes your body more tired, allowing you to get better sleep. Just make sure to exercise during the day and not close to bedtime.

  5. Relax
  6. Teeth clenching and grinding is usually caused by stress. So it's important to relax before bedtime. Drink a stress relief tea, do yoga or meditation, and massage or stretch your muscles to relax them.

  7. Stop Chewing on Things
  8. Chewing on pencils or other objects can increase your likeliness to clench or grind your teeth. Avoid chewing gum as well as it causes your jaw to tighten up.

  9. Talk to Your Dentist
  10. Your dentist can diagnose if you have bruxism. He or she may prescribe a mild muscle relaxer to help you stop clenching or grinding your teeth. If your bruxism is extreme, they can fit you with a nightguard as well.

Think you may suffer from bruxism?

Give us a call
(559) 299-2168


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