Dentist News

May 18, 2021

What Builds a Healthy Smile?

April 13, 2021
woman experiencing a headache - headaches and oral hygiene may be linked

Headaches and Oral Hygiene

Doctors and dentists are finding that headaches and oral hygiene may be linked, so if you experience frequent headaches or migraines, be sure to tell your […]
March 25, 2021
colorful toothbrushes in a cup - how often should I replace my toothbrush

How Often Should I Replace My Toothbrush?

To date, there is no such thing as an “everlasting toothbrush,” so this question of “How often should I replace my toothbrush?” is relevant and important […]
February 25, 2021
Best Time to Brush Your Teeth After Drinking Coffee

When Is the Best Time to Brush Your Teeth After Drinking Coffee?

If you’re a coffee drinker, you may be in the habit of brushing your teeth after drinking coffee to freshen your breath and prevent staining of […]
February 1, 2021
What is Gum Rejuvenation

What is Gum Rejuvenation?

Gum rejuvenation generally refers to the treatment of receding gums. When gum disease progresses from early stages (gingivitis) to more advanced stages (periodontitis), the bone and […]